
Families and Family Foundations

Are you satisfied with your charitable giving? How does it make you feel? Is your giving based on what you value in life? Do you think you could be making more of an impact with the dollars you have to give? Do you wonder how to talk to your children or grandchildren about your charitable giving? Or how to engage them in philanthropy?

Service Offerings:
Enlightened Philanthropy can help you define your philanthropic goals and giving strategy, articulate your legacy, and even facilitate generational discussions, helping you to teach your children and grandchildren about the importance of philanthropy. We can also:

  • Facilitate generational discussions around philanthropy
  • Engage your children and grandchildren in philanthropy
  • Develop and facilitate junior boards of family foundations
  • Identify your values/mission/giving priorities to create a Philanthropy Plan
  • Conduct extensive research to identify potential nonprofit giving opportunities
  • Facilitate first-hand exposure to prospective nonprofit grantees
  • Develop a Philanthropy Plan or strategic grantmaking program
  • Create a customized Introduction to Philanthropy presentation

Let us be your guide through a customized process that engages the whole family in creating their philanthropy story.

Philanthropy Camp Logo-Families-Without SteakEnlightened Philanthropy is pleased to offer Philanthropy Camp for Families, a unique weekend experience that engages youth and their parents in the discovery of how to make a difference in today’s world. Sign up for more information as it’s announced. We can also provide this opportunity just for your multi-generational family! Contact us to discuss this option further.

We are pleased to offer our services for a retainer fee, project fee, or on an hourly basis, dependent on your needs. Please contact us today to discuss how we can best meet your goals.