Why Do You Give?

Take a few minutes and consider—why do you give?

If it helps, think about some recent donations you made. Why did you choose to give money to an organization? Or why did you decide to volunteer to help put on that event?

Do you give because you:

  • Are compelled by religious tradition?
  • Want to give back?
  • Want to support a cause that you care about?
  • Want recognition?
  • Want tax benefits?
  • Want to build a stronger community?
  • Feel good when you do it?

Anne Frank quoteReminding ourselves why we give allows us to reconnect with our giving. It also serves as reinforcement of the giving we are already doing.

I often open conversations with clients or presentations for groups with this question, so I thought I knew all the possible answers. However, I’ve found in reviewing my own giving history, facilitating Philanthropy Camp for Women, and participating in weekly Why I Give chats on Twitter, that there are many more reasons to give than I thought.

Philanthropy Camp for Women

The women who have joined Philanthropy Camp are helping me see that why we give isn’t as easy a question to answer as I thought.

Here are just a few of their reasons for giving:

  • I can.
  • I see a need.
  • I was asked.
  • I want to make a difference.
  • I feel guilty if I don’t.
  • I find it’s a way to meet new people and make friends.
  • I like to help people help themselves.
  • I like to pay it forward.
  • I know my small donation can make a big difference in someone else’s life.
  • I feel a spiritual connection.
  • I know it’s the right thing to do.
  • I care about the person or animal or environment and I want to feel more connected to them.
  • I want to combine my efforts with others to synergistically effect change.
  • I want to feel part of something larger.
  • I want to feel like a good person.
  • I was once a recipient and now I want to give.

What is interesting to note, and you may have noticed this too when you reviewed your own reasons for giving, is that we don’t have just one reason we give. The reason may depend on the situation. Or it may depend on who’s asking.

Why I Give

Last year, I discovered the Why I Give chat on Twitter. This “global generosity movement” attracts givers from all over the world. You too can follow @WhyIGivechat and join us Tuesday nights (5-6 pm PST) with #WhyIGive (hash tag created by WhyIGivechat and Michael Chatman).

I find it truly inspiring to read why other people give. There’s something motivating and comforting about joining with other givers in a celebration of generosity.

I’ve also learned from participating in the chats week after week that again, there are many more reasons for giving than I could imagine. Giving is very personal.

Here are some of my favorites:




WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat



WhyIGive chat













Do any of these reasons resonate with you? Or do you have a reason that hasn’t been shared? Please feel free to share your own reason for giving in the comments below.

I hope to see you on Twitter too. I’m @dagphilanthropy.