Exciting Updates from Enlightened Philanthropy!



This year has been incredibly full and summer just flew by! Now as we enter fall, the pace may slow, a bit. And many of us will turn our thoughts to year-end giving. I hope you will take time out of your schedule to give some dedicated thought to how your talent, time, treasure, or ties can make a difference at this time of year and in the year ahead.

Meanwhile, see below for a few exciting developments at Enlightened Philanthropy. Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of presenting on family philanthropy and facilitating conversations with individuals to help them determine their own vision for giving. I’ve also been collaborating with colleagues in Canada!

Finally, I’m happy to share that I’ll be on maternity leave from October 9 through January 4, 2016. I look forward to connecting with you in the New Year. Please keep Enlightened Philanthropy in mind as you make plans for 2016. I look forward to supporting you in your giving aspirations in the future.

Wishing you all a joyous fall and holiday season ahead! Happy giving!

Deborah Goldstein


Presentations for Colleagues and Philanthropists

Highlights from recent presentations:

  • In August, I teamed with Justin Miller of BNY Mellon in San Francisco to present on Family Philanthropy: What Works and What Doesn’t at the Annual Rendezvous in Colorado, hosted by the Purposeful Planning Institute. We had a full room and great conversation as the group talked through a couple different scenarios in family philanthropy and how best to address them. Thanks to those of you who attended!
  • In September, I explored family philanthropy further with Lisa Parker, President and Executive Director of The Lawrence Welk Family Foundation, in a teleconference for the Purposeful Planning Institute. If you missed it, feel free to listen in here. Lisa has vast experience in this field and shared some wonderful insights during our time together.
  • I also facilitated conversations with two very different groups about their values, interests, and vision for giving. The first was a group of Millenials (twenty-somethings) brought together for a weekend retreat by the Moishe House. The second was a group of Baby Boomer clients of a local financial planning firm. I so enjoy seeing how different generations respond to this activity. It’s enlightening for all involved!

Philanthropic Summit Attracts Diverse Group of Professionals

Prior to the Rendezvous, I helped facilitate a Philanthropic Summit, hosted by the Purposeful Planning Institute, and attended by colleagues from around the country. Our goal was to come up with some concrete ways to address the gap between trusted advisors and their clients in their perception of the philanthropic conversation, a topic I wrote about in a previous blog post. To learn more about the day, read my colleague’s blog post. Stay tuned for more developments from this gathering.

Philanthropy Workshops for Women in Canada

I’m also excited to announce a partnership with Dexterity Consulting of Canada and TD Wealth. Throughout November, Dexterity Consulting will offer workshops for women in philanthropy in four major cities in Canada to guide them in the development of a strategic giving plan. Enlightened Philanthropy is pleased to support this effort through content and resource development. Click here to learn more and register.


Resource Highlight—Everyone can be a philanthropist!

With everything else that’s going on, it’s easy to forget about past successes. However, this fall, I’m taking a little time to reflect on all the hard work that went into preparing for my TEDx talk last October at Santa Catalina School. If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch it, please do so today. My nephew, who recently entered high school, told me he shared it with his social studies class! Is there someone you know who needs to be inspired in their giving? If so, please share.